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Egg Laying Hormone, aplysia

CAS No. 117680-39-4

Egg Laying Hormone, aplysia ( —— )

产品货号. M30212 CAS No. 117680-39-4

Egg-laying hormone (ELH) is a neuropeptide synthesized by the bag cell neurons, Egg-laying hormone (ELH) induces egg laying and its correlated behavior in Aplysia californica. Egg-laying hormone (ELH) has been purified to homogeneity and Egg-laying hormone (ELH)'s primary structure has been determined. Egg-laying hormone (ELH) have 36 amino acid residues with a Mr of 4385 and a calculated isoelectric point of 9.7. Egg Laying Hormone of Aplysia induces a voltage-dependent slow inward current carried by Na+ in an identified motoneuron.

纯度: >98% (HPLC)

COA Datasheet HNMR HPLC MSDS Handing Instructions
规格 价格/人民币 库存 数量
100MG 获取报价 有现货
200MG 获取报价 有现货
500MG 获取报价 有现货


  • 产品名称
    Egg Laying Hormone, aplysia
  • 注意事项
  • 产品简述
    Egg-laying hormone (ELH) is a neuropeptide synthesized by the bag cell neurons, Egg-laying hormone (ELH) induces egg laying and its correlated behavior in Aplysia californica. Egg-laying hormone (ELH) has been purified to homogeneity and Egg-laying hormone (ELH)'s primary structure has been determined. Egg-laying hormone (ELH) have 36 amino acid residues with a Mr of 4385 and a calculated isoelectric point of 9.7. Egg Laying Hormone of Aplysia induces a voltage-dependent slow inward current carried by Na+ in an identified motoneuron.
  • 产品描述
    Egg-laying hormone (ELH) is a neuropeptide synthesized by the bag cell neurons, Egg-laying hormone (ELH) induces egg laying and its correlated behavior in Aplysia californica. Egg-laying hormone (ELH) has been purified to homogeneity and Egg-laying hormone (ELH)'s primary structure has been determined. Egg-laying hormone (ELH) have 36 amino acid residues with a Mr of 4385 and a calculated isoelectric point of 9.7. Egg Laying Hormone of Aplysia induces a voltage-dependent slow inward current carried by Na+ in an identified motoneuron.
  • 体外实验
  • 体内实验
  • 同义词
  • 通路
  • 靶点
    Other Targets
  • 受体
  • 研究领域
  • 适应症


  • CAS Number
  • 分子量
  • 分子式
  • 纯度
    >98% (HPLC)
  • 溶解度
  • 化学全称


  • 储存条件
  • 运输条件
    With Ice Pack
  • 稳定性
    ≥ 2 years


Kirk MD, et al. Egg-laying hormone of Aplysia induces a voltage-dependent slow inward current carried by Na+ in an identified motoneuron. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1986 May;83(9):3017-21.
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